Wednesday, June 24, 2009


When people think 'manga' or 'anime', visions of slutty girls in tight outfits and big bossomers seem to saunter into the imagination. Though that stereotype really only applies to a handful of anime (quite a large handful, unfortunately), many who don't indulge in japanese comics will only ever see it this way. Personally, I think that's rather sad.
But! That's not the point of this post. While it is annoying to see closed minded people say things about a topic they don't understand, we have to realize that they are just that: close minded people. They have their own potential to open their minds to knew things which then leads to the possibility of becoming otakus like the rest of us... And I'm still going off on a tagent.
That mini rant aside, I feel like posting some of my ideas up. And since sharing ideas with others (although no one really reads this anyways) is good for creative stimulation, post them I shall.
...Right after I finish watching Princess Tutu. :3

- Razu

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